• Ressources

Strengthening National Systems – Innovating with Openness Speech Download
Prof. Osman Sankoh (COR, UNIMTECH, Kissy Dockyard, Freetown) addressed the LIBSENSE Open Science Symposium  - Sierra Leone titled 'Strengthening National Systems – Innovating with Openness'. In his speech, he outlines two assumptions: that "national systems" refer to the infrastructure enabling open science and that "innovating with openness" involves using open science for innovation within these systems. He underscores the shift toward open science, which fosters inclusivity and involves transparent access to data, methodologies, and findings. pdf / 108,54 Ko
Research Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange in the Age of Open Science (Embracing New Paradigms) Présentations Download
Rashid Ansumana, PhD - the Dean, School of Community Health Sciences, Njala University, presented on the 'Research Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange in the Age of Open Science (Embracing New Paradigms)'. His presentation centred on how research collaboration has journeyed to today and where it is heading. He presented at the LIBSENSE Open Science Symposium - Sierra Leone pdf / 1,39 Mo
UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science Publications Download
Dr Mohammed Combo Kamanda, Secretary General of the UNESCO National Commission for Sierra Leone discussed the essential parts of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science with the participants of the LIBSENSE Open Science Symposium - Sierra Leone pdf / 1,89 Mo
Open Data Policy Process Speech Download
Speech Delivered at the Sierra Leone Open Science Symposium on the topic: Open Data Policy Process Ms. Yeama Sarah Thompson – Founder and Executive Director, Initiatives for Media Development (IMdev) LIBSENSE Open Science Symposium - Sierra Leone Wednesday, August 23, 2023 pdf / 392,08 Ko
Validation of the Needs Assessment for Open Data and Knowledge Repository Agenda Download
This is the synopsis of the Workshop organised by LIBSENSE and RUFORUM on the sidelines of the RUFORUM AGM 2022 in Harare. The aim of this session is to showcase of open science services to RUFORUM community. pdf / 718,71 Ko
Understanding Open Science & Research Data Management Agenda Download
The document contains the synopsis of the webinar organised by LIBSENSE and RUFORUM as part of plans to enhance the understanding of the agriculture research community on key concepts related to open science and research data management which underpin the LIBSENSE-RUFORUM needs assessment survey. pdf / 179,40 Ko
Recommandations de l’UNESCO sur la Science Ouverte Présentations
Martiale Zebaze Kana, du Bureau régional de l'UNESCO pour l'Afrique australe, a parlé du berceau, des points forts, des valeurs et des principes de la Science Ouverte.
Science Ouverte : Et après ? Présentations
La présentation du Dr Kostas Glinos, expert en politique scientifique et technologique, portait sur la science ouverte qui a révolutionné l'étude de la science. Il a également parlé de l'avenir de la science Ouverte et de la manière dont les parties prenantes locales et internationales peuvent contribuer à faire progresser la science Ouverte.
Vers le libre accès et la Science Ouverte : Le rôle des bibliothèques et centres d’information du Botswana dans BotsREN Présentations
Iryna Kuchma, responsable du programme d'accès ouvert, a fait cette présentation lors du symposium LIBSENSE sur la science ouverte au Botswana. L'essentiel de la présentation portait sur les divers rôles des parties prenantes des bibliothèques dans la promotion du libre accès et de la science ouverte au Botswana.
Atelier de Science Ouverte LIBSENSE à Tunis Agenda
Voici l'ordre du jour de l'atelier de Science Ouverte LIBSENSE qui se tiendra à Tunis en novembre 2022.
The Value of Open Science to Early Career Researchers Présentations Download
This presentation by Dr. Tom Tagoe centred on the aspect of open science that is most relevant to early career researchers and how this aspect help to meet their research needs. pdf / 1,02 Mo
LIBSENSE – Strengthening Open Science in Africa Présentations Download
The presentation centered on the strategy, activities, impact and next steps for the LIBSENSE programme. Presentation was done by LIBSENSE Coordinator, Omo Oaiya, at the LIBSENSE Open Science Symposium - Ghana. pdf / 705,21 Ko