LIBSENSE and DORA webinar on research assessment in Africa
LIBSENSE and DORA [Declaration of Research Assessment] held a one-day webinar on building research assessment into open science regional policy. The webinar drew participants from the research and education space and activists of open science in West Africa and beyond. It aimed to sensitise participants to the concept and rationale of responsible research assessment from a unique African perspective.
In his presentation, Omo Oaiya, the Chief Strategy Officer for WACREN, showed how the LIBSENSE programme is advancing in creating and fostering a community of practice for open science in Africa, taking into consideration the unique contexts and nuances that characterised the phenomenon in the continent. He highlighted LIBSENSE’s projects and activities in policy advocacy, infrastructure framework development and capacity building for the minds and brains behind implementing the UNESCO Recommendations on Open Science.
Dr Laura Rovelli, the Coordinator of FOLEC-CLACSO (a Latin America Forum for Research Assessment), highlighted how FOLEC was formulated and contributes to quality research assessment in that part of the world.
Presenting on the topic ‘Research Assessment in Africa: Issues to Consider’, Prof. Frederick Ato Armah opined that there is a need for strong, fluid collaboration and engagement among various research stakeholders to ensure that they are all in sync with the acceptable standardised way of assessment research that aligns with the local nuances.
Watch the video here