This event is designed to update stakeholders on open-access book publishing models while maintaining the option to sell printed copies. It builds on the successful LIBSENSE symposium outcomes, and the collaboration of the CVC, AULNU, and Eko-Konnect to bring together authors, book publishers, and stakeholders affiliated with TETFund-supported Academic Publishing Centres (APCs).

The session will cover the benefits of open-access book publishing, including increased visibility through indexing in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).  Additionally, there will be a discussion about Ketida, an open-source digital platform for book publishing, and its local implementation to promote digital book publishing in Nigeria.

Interested parties, specifically APCs, will discuss a pilot program for open-access book publishing, which may involve converting printed book sets to digital formats for publication on the platform or collaborating on new book projects.  Throughout the pilot, participating APCs will receive assistance from local providers and REN partners to facilitate the publishing and indexing of their books.

Preliminary results of the pilot will be shared at the WACREN Annual Conference in March 2024. Subsequently, the project will be expanded to a broader audience of stakeholders from the region and other parts of Africa attending the conference.

Details of the events are here

View photos here